negligent security
It’s that time of year again; not the holiday shopping season, but the thug steals your stuff season. I was reading the New York Daily News on line today and read where very sad, very sad, a fellow was shopping with his wife at an upscale mall in New Jersey and the fellow was executed for his car. It’s hard to believe a person would commit such a senseless act for an automobile. Chances are there was nothing the mall could have done to prevent this crime. But what if they could have prevented the crime with adequate security? Would you find the mall responsible for the widows loss? As part of my continued dedication to you my client I read the Florida Law Weekly religiously every week to be sure I’m up to date on all areas of the law in which I choose to practice. This week there was an opinion where a jury found the secuity company for a complex liable for the murder of a victim in her home. Needless to say the jury found the carlessness or inadequacy of the security company led to the death of the victim. I think it’s fair to expect these people who are paid to do their job to do it competently? What are your thoughts? If you pay extra every month with your community dues shouldn’t you expect those being paid to take their responsiblity seriously? If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or even worse killed as a result of a criminal act, contact me and I’ll investigate if there’s something that can be done? Chances are the thug will be penniless; but perhaps we can also hold civilly responsible those we pay to protect us. It may seem harsh, but it will also make sure we make maximum effort to protect those who love us and count on us to protect them; our children and our parents.