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Parking Lot Safety: How To Reduce Bradenton Auto Accident Risks This Holiday Season


The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, and parking lots at local retail and grocery stores are typically crowded and chaotic. Shoppers are in a hurry and often distracted by to-do lists, making accidents more likely.

Parking lot accidents in Bradenton tend to increase at this time of year. These are no minor crashes and can leave victims suffering devastating injuries. Our Bradenton auto accident lawyer explains common ways they happen and how to reduce your risks.

How Do Holiday Parking Lot Accidents In Bradenton Happen?

Parking lots may seem relatively safe compared to driving on major freeways in our area, but the National Safety Council warns that it is important not to downplay risks. Tens of thousands of people are injured in parking lot accidents each year, and the holidays are the most common time for them to happen.

Parking lots are inherently dangerous, and reckless driving puts other motorists and pedestrians at risk. Common ways parking lot accidents in Bradenton often happen include:

  • Speeding to grab a spot or exit;
  • Not stopping at pedestrian crosswalks;
  • Not double-checking before backing out of spaces;
  • Fighting for the same spot and other aggressive behavior;
  • Poor lighting, increasing accident risks after dark;
  • Distracted driving.

Reduce The Risks And Protect Your Rights In A Bradenton Parking Lot Accident Claim

Pedestrian parking lot accidents in Bradenton can cause potentially life-threatening personal injuries. However, even less severe crashes and ‘fender benders’ can still impact your health and financial security for long after the holiday season.

Pay close attention when driving through local lots and walking to and from spaces to reduce your risks of being injured in a Bradenton parking lot accident during the holidays. Keep children close by your side, and never assume drivers see you or will stop. If you are hurt, take these steps to protect your rights in a claim:

  • Notify the police or store security so that they can complete an accident report;
  • Get the contact information for everyone involved;
  • Gather photos of the parking lot and damage to vehicles, contact information for witnesses, and other evidence;
  • Get medical attention, informing your doctor how your accident happened and all of your symptoms;
  • Contact our Bradenton auto accident lawyer for trusted legal help in filing a claim.

Injuries caused by parking lot accidents in Bradenton can ruin your holiday season and leave you paying heavy out-of-pocket costs in the coming year. Under the Florida Statutes, you may have the right to seek compensation from the driver, the store owner, or others involved.

Request A Consultation Today With Our Bradenton Auto Accident Lawyer

The holidays are a busy time for local grocery stores and shopping centers. Unfortunately, this increases the risks of parking lot accidents in Bradenton.

Bradenton auto accident lawyer Steven G. Lavely holds those at fault accountable and helps victims get the compensation they need to cover their costs. To request a consultation, call or contact our office online today.


