Preventing Golf Cart Accidents In Bradenton

Golf carts in Bradenton offer a quick and convenient way to travel but drivers need to be aware of potential dangers. When crashes involving stationary objects, other golf carts, or car accidents happen, serious personal injuries often occur as a result. To prevent this, follow local laws and take the steps needed to protect yourself and your passengers.
Rules For Golf Carts In Bradenton
Golf carts are good for traveling around your neighborhood and for taking short trips. It is important to keep in mind though that golf carts are not toys. As motorized vehicles, they are subject to certain laws.
The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office advises that Florida defines golf carts as “a motor vehicle
designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes.” Golf carts are also permitted in mobile home parks, golf course neighborhoods, self-contained retirement communities, and in certain other low traffic areas. Specific requirements for operating a golf cart include:
- The golf cart must be able to travel at greater than 20 miles per hour but not greater than 25 miles per hour;
- It must be registered and insured;
- The golf cart operator must have a valid driver’s license in his/her possession.
Many of the same rules that apply to cars also apply to golf carts. You must obey speed limits and all traffic signals while avoiding aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, improper passing, and failure to yield. Golf cart riders can also be stopped and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) if they are drinking and driving or have alcohol in their system.
Preventing Golf Cart Accidents
Golf carts in Bradenton continue to grow in popularity but some owners show poor judgment in operating them. Unfortunately, this creates risks for everyone on the road. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) advises that while golf cart drivers must be licensed, the golf cart itself is not required to be titled or registered. As a result, operators typically have no personal injury insurance or liability protection. If a golf cart accident happens, you could end up paying out of pocket for the costs involved.
To protect themselves, their passengers, and to prevent crashes or collisions, golf cart drivers are urged to follow these tips:
- Make sure anyone driving your golf cart is of age, properly licensed, and adequately trained;
- Stick to local roads where golf carts are permitted;
- Be very cautious at intersections, obeying all traffic signals;
- Do not automatically assume other motorists will stop for you;
- Keep speeds below 15 mph;
- Be mindful of pedestrians and bicyclists;
- Park only in approved spaces;
- Avoid overloading your golf cart either with passengers or cargo.
Contact Us Today for Help
Golf cart accidents can result in serious and potentially life-threatening personal injuries. At the Law Office of Steven G. Lavely, we help you get the compensation you need to recover. To request a consultation, call or contact our Bradenton car accident attorney online today.