Running Red or Yellow Lights is a Major Cause of Car Accidents in Bradenton

For many drivers, reaching their destination as quickly as possible is a top priority. No one likes sitting at red lights, but attempting to get through without stopping can be dangerous. Running red or even yellow lights increases the likelihood of car accidents and injuries. While it may shave a few minutes off your total travel time, it is not worth the risks you pose to yourself and others on the road.
National Stop on Red Week
According to statistics from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), roughly 6,000 car accidents occur in Bradenton County each year. In addition to reckless driving behaviors such as speeding and driving under the influence, running red lights is one of the leading contributing factors in these crashes.
People can run red lights for a variety of reasons. While it may be intentional in some cases and a way to flaunt authority, others do so by mistake, as a result of being distracted, or to avoid delays at intersections. In either case, it puts them and others at an increased risk. To call attention to the problem, the National Coalition For Safer Roads (NCSR) has designated the first full week of August as National Stop on Red Week.
The goal is to raise awareness of a behavior too many drivers tend to engage in. The NCSR reports that nearly half of all drivers have run a red light in the past and many do so on a regular basis when the light is changing from yellow to red. They want drivers to be aware of the potential dangers:
- Running red lights, stop signs, or disregarding other traffic signals is the leading cause of car accidents in urban areas.
- In addition to endangering drivers, it puts bicyclists and pedestrians at risk as well.
- Red light running results in potentially deadly t-bone and side impact collisions.
- More than half of all those killed in red light accidents are people riding in other vehicles.
Stopping on Yellow in Florida
Even otherwise safe and conscientious drivers may feel the urge to accelerate when approaching an intersection where a traffic light is changing from yellow to red. Under Section 316.075 of the Florida Statutes, the purpose of a yellow light is to warn drivers to slow down and prepare to come to a full stop. While it is up to the driver to determine whether they have time to make it through an intersection as a light changes to yellow, they should use extreme caution and avoid stepping on the gas to get through before it changes. Failure to use the proper level of caution could result in an expensive traffic ticket and points on your license. It also leaves you legally liable for the costs others suffer in the event injuries do occur.
Let Us Help You Today
When you suffer car accident injuries, the Law Office of Steven G. Lavely helps you to hold at fault drivers accountable. To request a consultation, contact our Bradenton car accident attorney today.