Tag Archives: Bradenton Personal Injury Lawyers

Pedestrian Injuries Leading Cause Of Injury Among Children and Teens
Accidents involving motor vehicles and pedestrians are an unfortunately common occurrence in Florida. Children are among those most frequently involved in these accidents, and as the school year starts up, it is important for parents to be aware of the risks. Pedestrian accidents are one of the leading causes of serious, potentially life threatening… Read More »

Holding Bar Owners and Social Hosts Liable For Florida Drunk Driving Accidents
Safety officials in Florida have gone to great lengths to help prevent drunk driving. While public service campaigns raise awareness of the potential dangers and strict police enforcement helps to apprehend drunk drivers on the road, drunk driving accidents continue to be a common occurrence. When these types of car accidents do happen, the… Read More »

Program Targets Florida Pedestrian and Bicycling Accidents In Our Area
While walking and riding a bike provide an excellent way to get where you need to go and to stay fit, there are definite dangers associated with both activities. Pedestrians and bicyclists are among the most vulnerable road users in our area, and when accidents and injuries do occur, they tend to be severe… Read More »

Car Accident Risks Increase During ‘100 Deadliest Days of Summer’
Summer is the time of year when people are more likely to be on the move, either traveling to other vacation destinations or simply enjoying all the local offerings available in the Tampa-St. Petersburg area. With children being out of school, it is also a time when more teen drivers are on the road,… Read More »

Protecting Yourself Against Bicycle Accidents and Injuries
Riding a bike is an excellent way to get exercise, in addition to being an environmentally friendly and inexpensive form of transportation. While Florida’s year-round climate and flat terrain make it a perfect place to pedal on your way to run errands or when headed to work and school, traffic conditions and the sheer… Read More »

Statistics Rank Florida Highest In the National for Pedestrian Accident Claims
Florida’s temperate climate and flat terrain are ideal for walking. Unfortunately, Florida is also one of top states in the nation for pedestrian accidents and injuries to occur. In St. Petersburg, Bradenton, and the surrounding areas, these accidents are a common occurrence, leaving victims with injuries that are potentially debilitating and, in some cases,… Read More »