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Visiting on Vacation? What to Do in the Event of Car Accidents and Injuries


Car accidents are just as likely to happen when you are away on vacation as they are when you are at home on your normal work or school driving routes. In fact, out of town car accidents can be even more common, as you may be unfamiliar with your surroundings and more likely to make driving mistakes. While there are general guidelines that apply regardless of where a crash occurs, there are some specific requirements you need to follow in the event of a car accident in Bradenton or the surrounding areas.

Car Accidents in the Bradenton Area

The Sunshine State in general has one of the highest car accident rates in the country. In the Bradenton and surrounding Manatee County, statistics from the Florida Integrated Report Exchange System (FIRES) show that as many as 5,600 or more crashes happen in our area each year. These result in close to 5,000 injuries to the drivers and passengers involved. You can help reduce your risks by avoiding some of the common causes of collisions. Particularly for vacationers, be aware of the following dangerous driving behaviors:

  • Speeding: Keep an eye out for speed limit signs, which are posted at regular intervals.
  • Running traffic signs and signals: Be on the lookout for intersections and cross streets.
  • Driving distracted: While it is natural to be excited on vacation, keep your attention focused on the road while driving.
  • Driving fatigued: Make sure to adequate rest, particularly after a long journey here.
  • Drunk driving: Being on vacation may make you more inclined to over indulge. If you do, avoid getting behind the wheel and find another way back to your hotel.

What to Do in the Event of a Car Accident While You Are Here

The Florida Statutes outline specific requirements for drivers who are involved in car accidents resulting in personal injuries. Failure to adhere to these requirements could result in criminal charges and are likely to impact your rights in a claim. Follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Notify law enforcement officials immediately if a crash occurs;
  • Call an ambulance for anyone injured at the scene;
  • Exchange personal contact, insurance, and vehicle information with other drivers involved;
  • Notify your car insurance company as soon as possible.

Automobile insurance covers you when you are out of state. If you are driving a rental car, you are likely covered through your credit card or any additional policies you purchased. To protect your rights to compensation, make sure to get medical attention for any injuries you suffer, even if they appear minor or you are not exhibiting symptoms.

Let Us Help You Today

If a car accident occurs while you are in town, get our Bradenton car accident attorney on your side. The Law Office of Steven G. Lavely provides the aggressive representation you need when negotiating with insurers and in filing court claims against other drivers, which require you to have a lawyer licensed to practice in the state the crash occurred in. To request a consultation, call or contact our office online today.


